S811 Gearbox for Power Transmission Systems

The S811 Gearbox is engineered for power transmission systems, offering efficient and consistent performance. Its robust design makes it suitable for industrial machinery requiring high torque and smooth operation under heavy loads.


CAMEL GLOBAL SUPPLY LTD is your trusted global supplier of high-quality gear speed reducers and related industrial solutions. As a company that integrates manufacturing and trading, we offer an extensive range of products, including worm gearboxes, helical reducers, bevel gearboxes, and more, from top brands in the industry. Our commitment to exceptional customer service, competitive pricing, and prompt global delivery ensures that we meet the diverse needs of our clients.


Extensive Product Categories: From worm gear reducers, cycloid wheel reducers,helical gearboxes, planetary gear reducers, to bevel gearboxes, we supply a full spectrum of speed reducer solutions to meet all industrial needs.
Trusted Brands: Our offerings include products under the CAMEL GLOBAL label and other renowned international brands(SEW,FLENDER,NORD,LENZE,ROSSI,BOSTON,DODGE,BONFIGLIOLI,etc), ensuring reliability and long-term performance.
High-Quality Standards: Every product is manufactured to the highest standards, ensuring durability, reliability, and efficiency.
Expert Support: Our experienced team is ready to assist with technical advice, product recommendations, and tailored solutions.
Global Presence: We ship worldwide, ensuring timely delivery to keep your operations running smoothly.
Looking for reliable gear speed reducers or branded industrial solutions? Choose CAMEL GLOBAL SUPPLY LTD¡ªthe brand you can trust!
Online Store:www.gearboxonline.com
Email:[email protected]
Phone/whatsapp: +86 18015057952

Recommend Models

S811 326TTDCD4344 056H17F2017
S811 326TTDCD4345 256THFNA8038
NH11B 505UTDS16102 213THTS8038
C8112 505UTDS16103 286THFPA8038
NH12B-3/4 ELV08SQ 324THFPA8038
S812BS 3/4 365TTFS16088 256THTNA8071
S812 365TTFS16132 445THFN8040
NH12B 365TTFS16013 215THTS8071
NH120 404TTFS16086 364THFS8036
C8120 365TTFS16105 254THFNA8038
NH128 LM80105 145THTN8043
C8128 LM80185 256THTL5776
S813 LM80106 445THFN8050
NH14B-3/4 LM80107 444THFN8384
S814BS 3/4 LM80111 449THFS8046
NH14B-3/4 LM80057 449THFS8048
S814BS 3/4 LM80145 145THTR16032
NH14B LM80119 184THFW7726
S814 LM80059 056H17T2001
C8144 LM80149 145THTR5329
C8144 LM80120 445THFN8046
S815 LM80075 254THTNA8071
NH15B LM80151 182THFW7729
NH15B LM80153 215THTL7776
S816BS 1 LM80187 254THTL5776
NH16B-1 LM80157 056H17F2018
NH16B-7/8 LM80190 444THFN8036
S816BS 7/8 LM80194 145THTR5376
NH16B-7/8 LM80139 145THEN8034
S816 LM80198 810503.00
C8160 LM80171 182THTS8048
C8160 LM80200 056H17T2011
C8168 LM80201 182THES8048
C8168 LM80175 405THFS8378
S818BS 1 LM80202 445THFN8036
NH18B-1 LM80053 056H17E5304
NH18B-1-1/8 405TTDS16102 810546.00
S818BS 1 1/8 256TTDR16002 213THTL7736
QHH18 364TSTDCD4025 184THTS8056
NH18B 365TSTDCD4332 213THFS8028
S818 405TSTDCD4332 364THFS8046
S819 444TSTDCD4010 286THFPA8086
S820BS 1 405TTDS16010 182THFR5329
NH20B-1 405TTFS16082 254THEN8058
S820BS 1 1/8 122096.00 213THES8053
S820BS 1 1/8 STG1102A 184THTY17038
S820BS 7/8 CPO24 145THTN17034
QHH20 CPO40 810015.00
NH20B UQC1072V1 LM21214
S820 USN1102 213THTL7776
S821 CPO15 182THTY17041
S822BS 1 445TTDN16080 215THTL7736
NH22B-1 254TTFNA16088 284THFPA8086
S822BS 1 1/8 H966 184THTL7776
NH22B-7/8 B2973T 056H17E5301
S822BS 7/8 B966T 326THFPA8086
NH22B-7/8 CPO34 215THFW7726
NH22B STG1202A 213THFW7726
S822 B663 213THTS8071
QHH24 B667 143THTN8028
NH24A CPO28 145THTN6060
S824 CPO29 056H17T15526
S826 SQG1302A 056H17T15528
QHH28 EPA16SQ 056H17T2012
NH28A HBA345 056H17T5311
S828 HBC240 056H17E5302
NH30A BG130A 810031.00
NH32A HBC080 810027.00
S832 286TTDBD6037 810087.00
NH36 215TTFBD6033 184THTL7726
S836 215TTFBD6012 143THEN8034
NH40 LM80269 LM10347
S840 LM80238 119287.00
NH42 213TTDBD6037 LM10339
NH44 213TTDBD6082 056H17T5312
S844 215TTDBD6008 122132.00
NH48 254TTDR16036 256THEN17031
S848 324TTDBD6037 254THEN8059
C852 B194120.00 LM06125
C852 B199966.00 E183L
C854 LM80239 145THTR5328
NH56 254TTDX16055 M1140172.00
C856 LM80266 810019.00
NH60 182TTDW16315 119797.00
C860 ELV08C 184THTY7736
C864 LM80094 LM10336
NH72 145TTDR16013 LM10340
C876 132457.00 284THFPA8038
C876 405TTFS16004 143THTN8036
C880 143TTFR16047 E180L
NH84 143TTFR16046 056H17T2015
C884 143TTFR16051 056H17F2019
C884 145TTFR16063 056H17T2021
C888 5KC39RN114T 056H17T2013
C888 184TTFB6008 LM21217
C892 324TTDCA6038 122338.00
NH96 326TTFCA6033 810023.00
YH112B 326TTDCA6038 182THTY7736
TC8112 P232M2 811619.00
YH12-3/4 145TTFR16010 256THTNA7036
TS812BS 3/4 145TTDR16340 254THTL5736
TS812 145TTFR16016 284THTNA7036
TS812 445TTDN16032 LM04003
YH12 117935.00 145THTR15540
TC8120 254TTDCA6092 056H17F2011
YH128B 256TTDCA6092 LM21199
TC8128 284TTDCA6092 811622.00
TC8128 145TTDR16019 LM10349
TS814BS 3/4 143TTDR16042 M1140173.00
TS814BS 3/4 H714 LM33591
YH14 HBQ260 811627.00
TS814 184TTDW16338 104008.00
TS815BS 3/4 364TTDS14081 LM10350
TS815BS 7/8 117932.00 810547.00
TS815 117939.00 811635.00
TS815 199094.00 056H17T2014
YH16-1 117936.00 056H17T2022
TS816BS 1 117938.00 LM25962
YH16-7/8 117926.00 LM26109
TS816BS 7/8 117927.00 E181L
YH16 117930.00 145THTN8037
TS816 117933.00 LM21202
TC8160 365TTFS14084 LM22649
YH18-1 405TTDS4376 143THTR15535
TS818BS 1 364TTDR14032 LM26359
YH18-1-1/8 505UTDS14077 LM21148
TS818BS 1 1/8 364TTDS14011 122129.00
YH18-7/8 365TTDS14101 145THFR5330
TS818 X 7/8 445TTDS14087 E182L
TS818 X 7/8 444TTDS14003 056H17F2015
YH18 404TTFS14088 056H17T2016
TS818 444TTDS14086 LM24264
TS819 404TTDS14102 056H17T2020
TS819 364TTFS14003 122337.00
YH20-1 364TTDS14104 102793.00
YH20-1-1/8 143TTDR14004 102794.00
TS820BS 7/8 404TTDS14005 102795.00
YH20-7/8 182TTFW14005 E186
TS820BS 7/8 445TTDS14062 LM22645
YH20 256TTFNA14016 404THFS8092
YH20 254TTFNA14084 449THFS8037
TS820 405TTFS14087 LM31463
TS822 X 1 444TTFS7403 365THFS8380
TS822 X 1 365TTDS4328 324THFPA8086
TS822BS 7/8 184TTFW14026 365THFS8046
TS822BS 7/8 444TTDS14057 LM21196
YH22 444TTDS14101 364THFS8391
TS822 256TTFL4010 E187
YH24-1 256TTFL4012 810003.00
TS824BS 1 256TTFNA7028 810099.00
TS824BS 1 1/8 365TTFS17102 811369.00
YH24-1-1/8 324TTDR14049 811530.00
TS824BS 7/8 326TTDR14034 LM21190
TS824BS 7/8 119753.00 LM21168
YH24 LM80256 LM21180
TS824 LM80254 LM21211
TS826 LM80255 103758.00
YH28 LM80259 811624.00
TS828 LM80232 145THTR16031
TS830 LM80233 LM06121
YH32C LM80236 LM33492
TS832 LM80235 056H17T2019
YH36C LM80234 056H17F2012
TS836 119466.00 056H17F2020
TS836 132551.00 119796.00
YH40B 132552.00 811371.00
YH40B 141347.00 811529.00
TS840 405TTFS7612 810011.00
TS840 405TTDS7124 810001.00
TS842 505UTDS5820 810005.00
TS842 505UTDS805 LM21193
TS844 505UTDS819 LM21118
YH48B 365TTFS7923 LM21208
TS848 445TTDS7121 LM22660
TS848 LM80257 LM29579
TC856 LM80247 LM29936
YH60 LM80250 M1140171.00
TC860 LM80249 145THTR5330
TC864 LM80251 056H17F2016
TC872 LM80252 182THFW7730
YH80B LM80237 811621.00
TC880 LM80253 811630.00
TC888 405TSTDS4006 103757.00
YH88B 122093.00 810068.00
YH96B 122074.00 810097.00
G689 256TTDBD6008 810096.00
G692 324TTDP4038 810098.00
G681 117813.00 LM22661
G677 145TTFR16084 LM22836
G677 145TTDR16079 811516.00
G679 LM80085 811367.00
G679 326TTFPA14049 LM22827
YI24144 LM80087 LM22830
YI2448 445TTFN14326 056H17F2013
YI32192 445TTFN14086 LM22839
YI32192 444TTFN14080 LM03377
YI3296 284TTFPA14048 LM30572
YI4872 145TTDR6031 LM10338
C12156 145TTDR6030 LM06105
C16168 145TTDR6006 LM21189