Komatsu Wall 148 Flt Transmission 18-54199-000 – Transmission Wall for Komatsu Equipment

The 18-54199-000 transmission wall offers structural support and protection for transmission systems in Komatsu heavy machinery, enhancing durability.
CAMEL GLOBAL SUPPLY LTD offers a comprehensive selection of high-quality excavator parts and construction machinery components from leading brands such as Caterpillar, Bobcat, SANY, XCMG, Komatsu, Cummins, HINO, Hyundai, Volvo, and many others. Whether you’re looking for replacement parts, engine components, or hydraulics, we have everything you need to keep your machines running smoothly and efficiently.
Our inventory includes a wide range of parts for excavators, bulldozers, loaders, cranes, and other heavy machinery, all engineered for durability and performance in the toughest environments. We source from trusted manufacturers to ensure that you get only the best products, helping reduce downtime and improve productivity.
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Recommend Models:

18-54199-000 Wall 148 Flt Trans
22-39948-000 Partition,L/H Bag
18-53842-043 Carpet-76 Slpr,Wide
22-39659-000 Brace-Mirror,
18-53485-000 Glass Rr Wdo
22-39410-005 Flap-Side Ext,6
18-52521-003 As Spring Cylinder
22-39134-001 Bracket
18-51940-000 Sill-Rr,U-Body,Lh
22-38884-001 Mudflap Bracket
18-51272-000 Pnl-Intr Rwall Lh
22-38598-001 Angle,Air2F24,Var Rl
18-49666-000 Block-Tapped Eyebolt
22-38314-001 Supt Brkt,Mudflap Rh
18-49448-010 Door Insert,Lh-
22-37802-000 Fender Support Brkt
18-48914-000 Hinge-Desk Top 870
22-37520-020 Plate
18-48656-000 Wall-Side 148 Raised
22-37047-010 Bracket
18-48256-003 Cvr-Lwr,Col,Strg,
22-36502-010 Backing Plate
18-48047-003 Fascia Rhs Cbnt
22-35794-035 Tread Plate Support
18-47884-029 Side Cabnt Insrt Slx
22-35465-029 Panel,Sleepr Control
18-47560-204 Fascia Pnl Ohc
22-35234-000 Supt Tread,Side Fair
18-47389-000 40 Bunk No Bag Do
22-34829-000 Brkt Htr Mtg
18-47102-003 Pnl-Flr,Rr,Ext Cab,
22-34413-003 Bracket Mtg Tl Lts
22-42950-006 Panel-Rh,2Sw,Flx,
19-00796-000 Pnl-Supt,Gauge
22-42760-030 Plate-Centering
19-00001-000 Brkt-Mtg,Pump,Fire
22-42424-100 Gauge Panel
18-64361-002 Panel-Body Side,72
22-42334-009 Frg Side Fr 120 Rh
18-63597-000 Moulding-Cover,
22-42203-000 Bracket-Hvac Supt
18-62974-100 Bezel-Switch,Door,
22-41946-000 Angle
18-62137-000 Extn-Whl Well
22-41767-001 Spacer-5Th Wl
18-60744-000 Barrier-Vapor Cab
22-41483-000 Brkt
18-60149-000 Damping-Backwall Lh
22-41308-110 Brkt-Fairing,Supt,
18-59669-200 Insulation-Thrm/
22-41169-000 Angle
18-59215-000 Carpet-Insert Bunk
22-40980-003 5Th Whl Angle
18-58501-001 Boot,Shifter,
22-40814-000 Bracket, Step
18-57881-000 Insul Backwall P3 Da
22-40638-493 Fairing,Side Center
18-57173-000 Wall-Lh Fwd 72Xt
22-40514-001 Angle
18-55452-001 Panel
22-40343-001 Bracket, Mtgdlock
18-55053-000 Panel
22-40108-001 5Th Whl Angle
18-54368-000 Aux Pnl,1 Pusher,7 E
22-39986-000 Roof Stiffner
18-53854-004 Flrmat Lugg Comp 76/
22-39705-004 Angle
18-53631-000 Bkt Tilt Cyl Mtg Rh
22-39413-039 Brkt-Fairing,Support
18-52560-001 Insul,70Xt,Roof Ext
22-39190-001 5Th Whl Angle
18-51988-000 Pnl-Hdr Frt Upr Inr
22-38937-000 Mirror Strut
18-51369-000 Brkt-Leveling Vlv,D2
22-38682-000 Loop-Mirror, Sst,
18-49870-000 Ang-Prot Lid Waste B
22-38393-030 Tool Box 36X24X18 W/
18-49471-000 Skin Door Trans
22-37909-010 Mounting Bracket
18-48956-000 Ang-Supt Ctr Desk To
18-44385-001 Lg-Flr Crewcab Frt M
22-32423-000 Plate,Guard
18-44143-012 Plate-Cvr,Vis-Win,
18-44034-000 Hsg Spring Seat
22-30922-029 Alignment Brkt,Fairi
18-43603-001 Cvr Bunk Stp Brkt W
22-30472-000 Lh Mudflap
18-43335-002 Trim-Corner,Xt W/
22-30212-003 Mudflap,Front
18-43099-012 Panel-Floor,Rear,
22-29928-120 Non-Skid
22-29493-003 Hose-.625Id
22-28846-001 Spacer
22-28546-000 Angle
22-28165-011 Visor Sun Ext,Rh,
22-27574-004 Bagg Dr Reinf.
22-26458-000 Gasket, Baggage Door
22-25773-005 Molding, Edge
22-25291-000 Panel, Outer Access
22-24645-000 Label, Air Deflector
22-22494-000 Duct, Sleeper
22-21708-000 Brkt,Ladder
22-47585-001 Panel
22-20611-010 Plywood Base
22-47532-000 Trim Tab,90,Lh,Mr,
22-18321-000 No Longer Avail
22-47332-023 Brkt,Fair,Supt
22-17436-001 Panel,Door
22-47105-000 Ang Fplt +19 7Loc R
22-16660-003 Plate
22-46944-001 Ang R Hfw 100 +6 H R
22-15638-000 Panel
22-46800-000 Spring Retention – D
22-14807-001 Plate
22-46623-070 Pnl-No Clk,2Dome Sw
22-13655-000 Duct
22-46576-000 Ang-Fwhl Aust 10.19
22-12999-000 .5 X.75 Pnl Screw
22-46495-000 Angel
22-11722-000 Control,Fulcrum
22-46340-000 Trans Seat
22-11056-020 Seat Filling Only
22-46177-001 Hardline-Fln,W/Aux
22-10481-001 Pulley
22-45961-011 Panel Drvr Lh A1
21-28443-007 Reinforcement-
22-45927-011 Panel
21-27811-060 Bmpr-End Steel Rh Sh
19-01811-000 Tube Frame
22-43239-000 Rail Curtain Sliding
19-01541-000 Supt-Pnl-Ctrl-Top-Lh
22-43012-129 Tread-Step,1594Mm,Po
19-01318-000 Pnl-Supt-Horiz-Pmp H
22-42985-001 Angle-Lh,Hld
19-00910-000 Support-Brkt-Gauge
22-42809-001 Mudflap
19-00020-000 Bracket
22-42431-000 Mudflp,Lh,Sfty Grd,
18-64361-007 Panel-Body Side,72
22-42335-001 Frg Side
18-63619-001 Reinforcement-Roof,
22-42208-002 Angle-Fw8 Slide
18-62986-003 Cab Sidewall-Body
22-41968-001 Bracket-Mtg L/H
18-62219-000 Trim-Handle
22-41782-001 Angle-5Th Whl
18-60889-001 Pnl-Backwall Inner
22-41487-000 Support Strap
18-60172-000 P3 Insul Bagg Door
22-41308-118 Brkt-Fairing,Supt,
18-59672-002 Insul Backwall Lwr R
22-41173-000 Mounting Angle
18-59423-001 Crossmember-Cab
22-41004-010 Antenna Plate
18-58515-000 Compartment-Storage
22-40817-000 Brkt-Step,Fuel Tank
18-57898-000 Insul Thermal,
22-40638-651 Fairing,Side Center
18-57219-000 Striker-Drawer
22-40528-001 Step
18-55474-000 Plate
22-40354-005 5Th Whl Angle
18-55059-000 Zee Baffle Roof
22-40143-001 Curtain Rod
18-54479-000 Brkt,Cab Skirt
22-40001-004 Panel Lh 18 6.5 Deg
18-53889-000 Underlay Splr 82 Re
22-39759-000 5Thwhl Angle
18-53632-000 Shim-Block Mtg,Cab T
22-39413-045 Support Bracket
18-52562-000 Insul,70Xt,Cab Floor
22-39244-000 Strut-Mir, Upr Aft
18-52069-000 Plate-Mtg,Misc Cmpnt
22-38962-000 Angle Spg1Fapm
18-51393-002 Fascia Pnl,Ohc,Cb,
22-38725-001 Fairing,Sd Lower
22-41814-000 Strut-Step
18-61279-000 Hose Htr 90Deg Elbow
22-41604-001 Brkt-Fwhl
18-60340-003 Sill-Door Opening,
22-41354-000 Ang-Fw
18-59678-002 Insul 72 Inr Cap Sd
22-41262-001 Bracket, Preheater
18-59502-000 Fascia-Upr
22-41088-001 Frng Supt,Aft,
18-58639-000 Carpet-Shelf Upr Rh
22-40846-000 Flr Mat, Bag Compt
18-58015-002 Trim-Corner,Lh,W/
22-40652-003 Brkt-Angle, Fairing
18-57316-001 Panel-Raintray,Lh
22-40560-001 5Th Whl Angle
18-55583-000 Seal
22-40393-001 Backing Plate
18-55222-000 Stiffner
22-40185-005 5Th Whl
18-54666-000 Tread,Bacwall.Diam,L
22-40040-005 Obs Moz 2004 Prcbk
18-53936-001 Uph-Sd Trim,70 In.
22-39836-000 Panel,Rh Gauge
18-53753-063 Cpt-Cab,Blk,123,Ss
22-39464-003 Bracket, Fairing
18-53000-000 Valve-Leveling,Cab A
22-39327-001 Bracket
18-52200-001 Pnl-B Pillar Inner
22-38977-070 Trim,Side,Grille
18-51432-000 Pnl,Sidewall,Lwr,O2
22-38772-001 Stiffener,Mudflap
18-51159-000 Hdlnr-Back 20 Shelf
22-38492-000 Base Plt Slider
18-49516-000 Pnl-Floor 106
22-38087-001 Extension,Fender,
18-49022-000 Wall-148,Rsdr,Trans
22-37658-002 Brkt-Fairing Supt 3
18-48846-001 Chan-Al Unistrut
22-37265-006 Angle Reinf Treadplt
18-48480-002 Seal-Wdo Lower Dr
22-36749-000 Plate,Cvr Woodgrain
18-48114-001 Uph-Rh Crnr,Upper
22-36032-001 Flap
18-48011-000 Brkt-Tube,Lwr Cowl
22-35527-000 Bracket, Frng, Lwr
18-47761-000 Iso Frnt M2 Crew Cab
22-35414-000 Support,Lower Step
18-47550-003 Rod End Hood Pivot 3
22-27400-001 Lh-5Th Whl Angle
22-26358-010 Bracket, Lh
22-25661-000 Trim,Ring Black ##
22-25271-000 Bracket,Mtg.Motor
22-24157-000 Tread Plate,Platform
22-21999-012 Lens, Indicator
22-47719-026 Frg Chas Rr C2 3 Lh
22-21130-006 Cable,Control
22-47580-000 Ang Hld 20.0 Xhi
22-20281-001 Outlet, Bunk Duct
22-47432-000 Trim Tab-Lh,W/O Flap
22-18016-001 Gasket,Blower Motor
22-47332-005 Brkt-Fair,Supt,1680
22-17210-002 No Longer Avail
22-47063-005 Cov-Bunk Stop Brkt,W
22-16381-000 Transition Assembly
22-46935-101 Panel Control Slpr
22-15496-008 No Longer Avail
22-46764-000 Mudflap-Fr,112Sd/
22-14655-000 Seal
22-14435-000 Insulator
22-46623-016 Pnl-No Clk 2Dome Lp
22-13373-000 Decal
22-46517-010 Ga-Dr, Eng Oil ,Deg
22-12014-000 Gasket
22-46423-001 Angle
22-11263-001 Elbow,Rubber
22-46222-001 Ld 65.8
22-10709-001 No Longer Avail
22-46045-001 Brkt-Mtg,Shelves,
22-09683-009 Visor Chr **
22-45927-504 Panel Wdg Cig
21-27843-013 Bmpr Sweptback Stl C
22-45809-001 Support
21-27356-000 Dura Deck Hsbx Bot-R
22-45732-027 Panel
21-26821-000 Brkt Bmpr 3In Fwd
22-45614-015 I/C Air Mph Tooled 4
21-26500-020 Bmpr End Stl Rh
22-45449-001 Brkt-Condensor,A/C,
21-26204-001 Strut Bumper Front R
22-45360-000 Mudflap
21-25876-008 Air Dam Ctr Flx Vora
22-45255-000 Support-Deckplate
21-25646-010 Brkt -Mtg,Bmpr Lh
22-45181-003 Mudflap,Blk,20,F/L
21-25442-000 Support
22-44987-007 Panel, Aux
22-16895-000 Louver,Air Return
22-47006-000 Angle Hfplt +8 0 Spg
22-16024-000 Bracket
22-46857-005 Fender Inr Fr
22-14942-002 Bracket
22-46644-000 Hardline Aux Hvac
22-14368-000 Frame,Air Cond
22-46623-005 Pnl-Clock,2Dome Lp
22-13306-002 Bracket
22-46516-001 Ga-Dr,Eng Oil Pr ,
22-11884-000 No Longer Avail
22-46392-001 H165 Plt
22-11180-000 No Longer Avail
22-46209-000 Latch,Access Door
22-10660-000 Pipe, Heater Hose
22-46007-001 H24L R Air
22-09332-000 Plate
22-45927-106 Black Pnl-Acc,Ltr,
21-27843-003 Bmpr Sweptback Al Po
22-45784-000 Tire Carrier
21-27301-003 Reinforcement –
22-45732-022 Panel
21-26802-000 Angle-Mtg,Bumper,
22-45597-001 H20,New Ad246
21-26444-000 Brkt-Bumper,End Cap
22-45439-004 Fender, Severe Duty
21-26163-000 Bumper Frt Side
22-45359-007 Mudflap
21-25834-006 Gvl Shld H/Box Lh
22-45239-014 Lock-Keycode
21-25564-000 Brkt-Mtg,Lower Lh,
22-45173-000 Bracket-Mounting,
21-25385-000 Brkt Mtg, Frnt Bmpr
22-44979-000 Ang-5Wheel,Int,Var
21-25154-002 Reinforcement,Bumper
22-44792-000 Fender
21-09860-002 Reinf-Housing,Tow
22-44629-000 Bracket
19-06215-000 Pnl-Ga,Ds,1150
22-44435-000 Trimtab-L/H
19-05590-000 Overlay-Drvs,P/H,W/D
22-44337-012 Ang-36,Odd,F/L Susps
19-04541-000 Pnl-Xlay Top Cvr,465
22-44160-006 Flap Lh
19-03728-000 Panel
22-43841-001 Panel Right Aux Hvac
19-02713-000 Panel
22-43753-001 5Th Whl Angle
18-55853-001 No Longer Avail
22-40460-000 5Th Whl Angle
18-55384-001 Flap
22-40271-001 5Th Whl Angle
18-54885-007 Panel-Backwall,
22-40084-000 Panel, Lh
18-54194-000 Wall Side 148 Rsdr
22-39939-000 Deck,50 Slprbox
18-53842-040 Crpt-76 Slpr,Wide B
22-39608-001 5Th Whl Angle
18-53470-000 Brkt-Tilt,Lwr,Phoeni
22-39409-000 Flap-Side Ext
18-52504-007 Fascia Rr Cbnt
22-39133-000 Bracket
18-51872-000 Carp Rh Slpr Cbnt Bt
22-38879-000 Step-Top,Battery Box
18-51255-000 Trimring Vista Wdo
22-38595-000 Holddown Brkt,Trdplt
18-49633-000 Gusset-Reinf,Hdr,Bac
22-38294-002 Angle,Air2 Hplt Var
18-49448-003 Insert,Door Lh
22-37796-000 Upper Frnt Lh Fender
18-48899-005 Trim-Sdwl,Upr,Extr,
22-37490-000 Brkt,Supt
18-48609-001 Cvr-Und Cab,Fxd,W/
22-37019-000 Extn Fender Dual
18-48246-003 Pnl-Skirt Slprcab/Fc
22-36471-000 Flap,Fender 24 X 15
18-48044-004 Shelf Lwr Rhs Cbnt
22-35775-001 Angle
18-47870-307 Panel Trim Int Rr
22-35465-025 Panel,Sleepr Control
18-47560-202 Fascia Pnl Ohc
22-35222-001 Brkt,Step,Equip Box
18-47387-002 Partitation **
22-34815-001 Brkt,Quarter Fender
18-47053-000 Bracket-Coathook,M2
22-34413-000 Bracket,Mtg
18-46575-100 Corner Trim Rear
22-34035-000 Angle,Air
18-46278-301 Corner Trim Rear
22-33715-001 Angle
18-45829-001 Insul-Arctic Bw M2
22-33304-001 Spacer
18-45421-000 Cover-Fln Walk-Thru
22-33107-003 Angle-Spg Hpl,+10
18-45025-000 Bracket-Division
22-33074-001 Angel-102 Hvar
18-49870-000 Ang-Prot Lid Waste B
22-38393-030 Tool Box 36X24X18 W/
18-49471-000 Skin Door Trans
22-37909-010 Mounting Bracket
18-48956-000 Ang-Supt Ctr Desk To
22-37600-000 Brkt-Rear
18-48701-000 Ohc Insltn Wlk-Thr
22-37138-000 Brkt,Forward Support
18-48385-000 Wdo Glass-Tinted
22-36665-001 Fender
18-48051-000 Vrtcl Lwr Shlf Rr Cb
22-35936-001 Fire Ext. Bracket
18-47889-019 Drop Drawer Slg
22-35496-011 Panel, Aux Ga.
18-47645-000 Cov-Door Sill
22-35259-080 Hose, Heater
18-47428-010 Tube-Ay Return Htr
22-34947-000 Brkt, Mudflap
18-47184-003 Brkt Shock Mount
22-34482-001 Brkt-Fairing,Rr
18-46576-302 Corner Trim Rear
22-34237-000 Angle
18-46348-010 Crossmember U-Body
22-33741-000 Louver,Heater
18-46040-000 Bkt Cab Sprg Upr 160
22-33411-008 Obs Kys8 2004 Prcbk
18-45514-006 Header-Side,Rear,Lh
22-33112-002 Angle-Air Fpl,+10
18-45189-001 Pnl-Tnl,Side,Rh
22-33078-001 Angle-Air Fvar
18-44720-050 Panel,Skirt
22-32965-001 Brkt,Supt Visor 1E